
Coffee and Cups

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Literature Text

    A few hours passed since I had visited the school. I’d since explored other parts of Ice Stone Castle. I walked through the housing district on my way back to Ice Stone Castle. It was an interesting contrast to the school I had just seen. Extensive wooden and stone house were built on top of each other. To my left and right were houses. A 20 foot road separated the right and left house, forming some sort of house street. Some of the wood seamed dilapidated. It lacked the grandeur and style of the green school house. The houses were all either black or grey from ash or soot. Some of the houses looked like they had been there for ages. I saw a door to my upper left fling open as a slight breeze brushed through the alley, only to suddenly close itself as the breeze quit.

    I slowly came to the end of the alleyway. At the edge was an old stone building. Dark Green moss covered the building. A bright red chimney stood up and out, letting out black smoke. Glass windows revealed a calm atmosphere with a bar and several tables. 

    I walked to the tavern, enticed by the aura the building emanated. I walked to the wooden door, and pressed my hand against the withered and creaky handle. My nose was then engaged with various smells, all of which smelled bitter and sour. It was intoxicating. I looked around the quiet tavern. At the bar was a thin man. His skin was scaly and green, and his eyes had piercing yellow pupils. He looked bored and tired. He idly stared at the snow falling outside. The other patrons sat quietly: calm and sad.

    It felt awkward. Just standing had a depressing effect on me. It was also a bit cold, and I needed to get back to the castle soon. I looked back, and on my way to leaving. But before I could continue that thought, I saw Mrs. Magenta at the far side of the bar, sipping something from a soft green mug.

    I wondered if she ever found out about that gun. She would need to for tomorrow’s class. I studied her face, for any indication of accomplishment. But all I saw on her was an expression of slight sadness. Had she failed? I felt compelled to know for sure, so I walked over to her.

    When I had approached her table, she stared into my eyes. Her dark blue eyes showed unease, but quickly shifted to recognition.

    “Lorenz”, she said before sipping from her cup, “Fancy meeting you her.”

    “Likewise. I just saw you and was wondering how the gun situation went along.”

    “Oh, it’s actually a bit of a long tale. Here, would you like to site with me and have some coffee?”

    “Sure. What’s coffee?”

    “Coffee's a delicious drink. Imported right from the south. Without it, I couldn’t survive”, Mrs. Magenta said with a wry smile, though her eyes seamed to shift back to her sadness.

    I sat back down in a wooden chair in front of her. The chair felt sturdy but rugged and old. When I sat down, Mrs. Magenta called out, “Hey Jeff. Bring another cup here for my guest”, while staring at the bartender.

    “Sure thing ma’am”, said the reptilian man with a sudden vigor. “Would just like an entire pot too?”

    “Sure. Bring it when it’s done.”

    Mrs. Magenta paid me full attention, and began to recount her resolution of the gun situation.

    “Where was I. Ah yes…the gun. I went to an army friend of mine and asked him about it. As it turns out, you were right Lorenz. It was made in the west and is one of their premier pieces of technology. At this point I’ve learned enough about the gun to make a decent class out of it. I must thank you for helping me. I’d hate to have accidently hurt someone or worse, a student hurt another student.”

    “I’m glad I could help. It did feel helpful to use my knowledge.”

    “Having traveled with Sir Pride, I’m sure you’ve had a lot of experience with weapons of war.”

    “What do you mean? I’ve never been in any war or used any weapons.”

    “What? But how else did you know about the gun but through battle?”

    “I learned about the gun from that merchant Sir Pride and I traveled with. The same merchant that probably sold you that gun.”

    “So you’ve had no battle experience. That can’t be possible, unless…” Mrs. Magenta grew silent. She seemed to focus inwardly. She stared into space, until she broke her silence, and refocused herself. “Lorenz”, she said, “How long have you been in Concard?”

    “Barely a few weeks at most.” I answered quickly.

    She stared at me. Sorrow, or was it pity, painted the expression she gave me. “You must be a remnant than. It’s no wonder that you have no war experience.” She had a slight pause, before saying, “To be as you are now is a commodity where we are now.” She finished with a silent sigh.

    “Why. What’s so bad about this place?”

    “I don’t know where you’ve been Mr. Lorenz. But much of Concard is ruled by struggle and fighting. Not even death allows escape from it. When there is a major fight, it is ugly. Blood, decapitations, and death. Course it doesn’t matter to die. People just shrug it off and continue fighting.”

    “Has there ever been peace?”

    “Not since I can remember. I’m very old, and have seen stuff I’d rather forget.”

    “Have you ever been in a battle before?”

    Mrs. Magenta closed her eyes. It was as if she was in pain. While she reflected inwardly, the reptilian man came with the coffee. He was respectful of the silence, and quietly set a large pitcher down . I poured myself a cup. Mrs. Magenta finally spoke again when I had finished.

    “I used to be a warrior…I was one of the first member of Blade’s battalion. We actually fought alongside each other in several battles.” A few more moments of silence followed, “It started to hurt me, hurting all these people, and being hurt by them.. I’ve killed some, and some have killed me, sometimes simultaneously. It got to me.  I left it. Now I’m a teacher now. Fortunately it seems my skills with weapons helped me get this job. At least I can use those skills for something else. Although it still gets to me that I’m teaching kids about war.” She said. A bit of the tension in face had left. Telling me must have helped her.

    I took a drink of the coffee. Its bitter sour taste was oddly addicting. It’s heat invigorating. As I sipped, I thought about what Mrs. Magenta had told me. I’d heard about the glory and fun of war countless times from Sir Pride. But My Cyan seemed to be petrified by the subject. How could she be so scared while he was so jubilant?

    “You must really like coffee”, said Mrs. Magenta with a slight smile.

    I nodded to her holding my cup. HI poured myself some more. Mrs. Magenta took a sip with hers as I did mine.

    “Thank you Mr. Lorenz. I’m glad I could tell someone about this.”

    I replied to her, “I’m glad I could help. Mrs. Magenta”

    “You can call me Ellen, Lorenz”, she calmly told me. “Is Lorenz your first and last name?”

    “Yeah it is.”

    “Interesting. Most remnants I know have both a first and last name.”’


    The conversation died down after that. We both slowly sipped our coffee and stared outside. The aroma from my cup slowly spilled out in my small nostrils.  

    A sudden ring erupted from the front door behind me. I looked and saw a man with several fliers in his hands, shouting loudly. I listened to what he said:  “Attention all. East, South, West and North have called for a temporary alliance. All factions shall unite to wear down the Stronghold. The northern army is promising treasure to anyone willing to join them and bring the stronghold down!”

    The man then busily ran around the bar, passing out fliers to everyone in the bar. Swiftly, two papers appeared on our table, put there by a quick hand. The man soon jotted everywhere, and began to then run out of the bar.

    “Don’t forget to tell friends and family!” He screamed as he ran out, spilling some of fliers.

    Everyone in the bar stared down at the papers in front of them. On the flier were men and women in Northern Faction Armor. Their fists raised into the air, flairs of red and yellow blowing up behind them. They looked strong and confident. Included on the flier was information about the upcoming attack and how one could join the Northern army.  Included was a description telling of the bounty of war that would be received by fighting for the army.

    I set my paper down, having thoroughly read it. As I set it down, I heard Mrs. Magenta remark something to her, forgetting I was even there.

    “We’ll have to move it up”, she quietly said.

    “Move what up?” I asked.

    She was taken aback when I spoke.

    “Did I just say that out loud?”

    “Indeed, you did.”

    Her face flushed. Her cheeks turned bright red. She was embarrassed. After a few seconds, she regained herself. She stared at me then with suspicion. She studied me with a look and I had never seen. She then relaxed herself somewhat, but still stared at me. She asked me quietly; quietly enough so that no one else could hear us.

    “Lorenz. How do you feel about war?” Mrs. Magenta asked me.

    Her question was odd to me. What I nevertheless decided to answer her still. I would explain my view of it to her.

    “I don’t quite know. All I’ve heard from General Pride is old war stories and nothing of anything as bad as you have described. But I also believe you when you talk about your pain with it. I’ll need more information before I can decide if it’s good or bad.”

    She then asked another question, also unexpected, “What do you think of peace.”

    I hadn’t heard much about peace. I knew it was the opposite of war, and that it was hard to keep in Concard. Still, I replied.

    “I don’t know what to think of peace either”, I said honestly.

    “Like, how would you feel if Concard could be changed to be more peaceful?”

    For some reason, I felt like that would be a good thing, for Concard to change to a new form.

    “I think it would be a good thing for Concard to change.”

    “Then please, follow me to me. We should speak in a more private area", she subtly said.





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KristinTree's avatar
Ooo I am eager to see what happens next OwO